Data Science, Forecasting, and Hacking
Data science, forecasting, and hacking can overlap in several areas.
Examples of first principles thinking exercised all the way through our lives
First principles thinking is a mental approach that involves breaking
Does the Inmon methodology have dimensional modelling?
No, the Inmon methodology does not specifically advocate for dimensional
Google Cloud AI Platform and Google Cloud Vertex AI
Google Cloud AI Platform and Google Cloud Vertex AI are
What is change data capture?
Change Data Capture (CDC) is a technique used in databases
Starting a side hustle creating your own android apps and selling them
Creating and selling Android apps can be an exciting side
Being in the Right Environment Where Your Manager is Supportive Instead of Manipulative
Being in the right environment where your manager is supportive
What are the Managerial Responsibilities of a Data Architect
The managerial responsibilities of a data architect can vary depending