Microsoft Data Factory
Microsoft Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service provided
What does a Kimball model data architecture look like?
The Kimball model, also known as the dimensional modeling approach,
Detail on the Inmon Methodology and Model
The Inmon methodology, also known as the Inmon approach or
Microsoft Fabric
Microsoft Fabric is an all-in-one analytics solution designed for enterprises, covering
Data Science and Data Forecasting in Cycling
Data science and data forecasting play crucial roles in the
Data Science and Data Forecasting in Social Media
Data science and data forecasting play crucial roles in analyzing
Data Strategy and the Art of War
The Art of War, written by the ancient Chinese military
Data Science and Data Forecasting in Marathon Running
Data science and data forecasting can play a significant role
What is Analytics?
Analytics is the systematic process of examining data and information
The Need for Better Online Safety
The need for greater online safety for young people has