A Kotlin Compose function must…

A Kotlin Compose function:

MUST be a noun: DoneButton()

NOT a verb or verb phrase: DrawTextField()

NOT a nouned preposition: TextFieldWithLink()

NOT an adjective: Bright()

NOT an adverb: Outside()

Nouns MAY be prefixed by descriptive adjectives: RoundIcon()

In Kotlin Compose, a function represents a reusable component that can be used to build user interfaces. When naming a function, it is recommended to follow certain guidelines to ensure clarity and maintainability. Based on the given requirements, here's an explanation of a Kotlin Compose function using the specified naming conventions:

Function Name: DoneButton()

Explanation: This function represents a button component that can be used to indicate the completion or confirmation of an action. The name "DoneButton()" is a noun as required, and it clearly conveys the purpose of the component without using verbs or verb phrases.

Function Name: DrawTextField()

Explanation: The name "DrawTextField()" does not comply with the specified naming convention because it includes a verb ("Draw") followed by a noun ("TextField"). To adhere to the guidelines, the function name should only include a noun.

Function Name: TextFieldWithLink()

Explanation: The name "TextFieldWithLink()" includes a noun ("TextField") and a nouned preposition ("WithLink"). According to the guidelines, nouned prepositions should be avoided in function names. To improve the naming, a more appropriate option would be "LinkedTextField()" or "TextFieldLink()".

Function Name: Bright()

Explanation: The name "Bright()" is an adjective and does not comply with the specified naming convention. Function names should only include nouns, and if necessary, nouns can be prefixed by descriptive adjectives. A more suitable name could be "ColorfulIcon()" or "VibrantButton()".

Function Name: Outside()

Explanation: The name "Outside()" is an adverb and does not meet the naming requirements. Function names in Kotlin Compose should be nouns, and adverbs should be avoided. A better option could be "ExternalView()" or "OutdoorContainer()".

Function Name: RoundIcon()

Explanation: This function represents an icon component with a round shape. The name "RoundIcon()" follows the specified convention as it includes a noun ("Icon") prefixed by a descriptive adjective ("Round"). This naming convention allows for clear communication of the component's properties and purpose.